Friday, December 12, 2008

Every adult needs a Time-Out once in a while!!!
I was riding the elevator with my two youngest children today; when it was time to get off, the doors open and I was plowed down by some crazy lady! Now who knows proper elevator etiquette????? My Kids,that's who! They know that when waiting to enter an elevator you stand back from the doors and wait for the patrons using it to exit before you get on, thereby providing room for them to exit and room for you to enter. Simple, you would think, but clearly this poor woman's mother neglected to teach her this most basic lesson. She charged at me and my stroller like she were the BULL and I, the MATADOR! And like a skilled matador I swung myself, the stroller, and my 4 year old out of the path of the charging bull just in the nick of time! The crowd cheered....or at least I glared at her and huffed under my breath at the loss of human decency in the world. I CALL to all you mothers out there that may not as of yet imparted this morsel of wisdom to your children known as the "enter/exit strategy", I call to you to teach this lesson and teach it well, for if you don't and they transgress this holy law, one day some woman might flip out and blog about them!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Why to some is given one and to some another?
It goes without saying, I'm completely C.I. (computer illiterate). This is only my second attempt at blogging. The first time I was successful only in creating a blog name,.....that I have since forgotten. Now Chris would have me start a new one of the family. HA! He won't be the one doing the work! Sitting here for the last hour, this is all I've been able to accomplish, and I don't even like it!
Was I late getting in the line that passed out technological talents? "Sorry no smarts for you, but you can wash a dish like no body's business", When craftiness was up for grabs I must have been sleeping.
My patience wan thin and my nerves frazzled, I opted to stop creating and instead write my frustrations out on the computer. Better that than to beat them out on it! Stephanie will definitely be doing this for me :)